Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Of Pics

Here are some recent pictures taken during May and late April. Well I'm feeling at a loss for what to write at the moment so I'll let the pics do the talking along with a small blurb for each.

Our first family pic...

Derek concentrating...

One of Scarlett's priceless faces...

A chip off the old block, heheh...

Derek's school...

More concentrating, gotta love it...

Another priceless look...

After she got her ears pierced...


Earrings, courtesy of her grandma...

Derek wrestling with his favorite uncle "Yim"

"No fair using headlocks!!"

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Bueno pues creo que es mi turno de escribir algo en este blog, he decidido hacerlo en Espanol para que mi familia entienda, especialmente mis padres, quienes adoran a nuestros bebes. (A todas las personas que hablan y escriben espanol, una disculpa pues este teclado no tiene todas los caracteres necesarios para una correcta ortografia.)

Feliz dia Mama, espero estes teniendo un dia muy especial, te queremos mucho y espero disfrutes este dia, gracias por todo el tiempo y arduo trabajo que invertiste en criar a mi hermana y a mi! Gracias por querer tanto a Derek y Scarlett, ellos tambien te quieren mucho y te desean un Feliz Dia!
Since this post is also for grandma Robin, we want to say Happy Mother's day! We pray you are having a very special day and thanks a lot for all your work raising 6 kids, including James!
Derek and Scarlett are very happy to have such a nice grandma!
Por cierto, Scarlett cumple 2 meses hoy!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Well here are some recent pics of whats been happening. Yes I know its been awhile since the last post. Hopefully there will be more pics coming soon as soon as I can get it off a friends camera. Scarlett is doing pretty good, quite a happy baby. Derek though is entering his terrible twos with full force. But besides that they're both very well. For those who might have been wondering about the whole swine flu in this neck of the woods. Its been basically unseen here, besides people worrying and wearing face masks. I think there have been only 4 cases here in Baja California, though I cant remember for sure as some places said it was one, others 4 and others none. But oh well alls well that ends well. And here are the pics