Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Yes we know its late, yes we know we are tardy, and yes we purposefully waited until now to introduce the soon coming member to this family. So without further ado she shall be called.......




Scarlett Sophia!!

No its not open to discussion, and no its not a democracy, haha.

Due to the author's tardiness in not giving frequent posts we shall give a small recap of the last 6 weeks.
January started with a bang, but not a good one, both parents were knocked flat, literally, with a particularly nasty flu bug. Junior caught it, but thankfully it only lasted less than 24 hours. Dad, unfortunately wasn't so fortunate, it took me over a week to fully recuperate. Then on to the new campaign, potty training...
The campaign still has not been completed, Junior is showing his stubborn side, we are determined to stay the course and win the "War against Diapers". On a brighter side, he has started to talk albeit briefly, his repertoire consists of dadadada and mamamama, for some reason he must feel that more he draws the name out the more attention he will receive heh.
He does talk extensively when he plays but we still have not been able to find the translator, maybe we really dont want to...;)
And now off too the next exhibit... photos!

Sleeping as a Muslim.. He really moves a lot in his sleep

Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear......

An emotional moment, he really doesn't like those type of costumes.

Wifey, looking stunning as always..

And that's all for now folks. Yes it was a small amount, we are quite forgetful when it comes to photos, but rest easy we shall change. You will soon be inundated, no not literally, with baby pics, toddler and baby pics, mommy and baby pics, all kinds of pics. So until next time, TTFN!

Oh please keep Sarai in your prayers, Scarlett will be coming via C-section. Our doctor told us that if we wanted to have a natural delivery we would need to wait two years after Derek was born before Sarai could get pregnant. Since we didn't meet the deadline the C-section will be happening, and DV without any problems, Scarlett will greet the world March 10th sometime in the morning.