Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Late Merry Christmas

Yes I know its late but we were experiencing technical difficulties with our internet so this post was delayed. The first batch of pics were for a card we were trying to make for Derek's maternal grandfather, well I'll let the pics explain:

Take one

Returning to some semblance of normality

And finally a decent one...

This one was one of my favorite, the rest of the pics now were from Christmas day;

Derek playing coy next to the presents, no they're not all his, he wishes...ha

And now we see his photogenicitiy,

With his favorite "uncle Yim"

My present from Sarai... inspired by this..

Her favorite actor, very nice cologne, thank you baby!

And one of Derek's gifts, his other ones will be opened later as we will be celebrating another Christmas with the rest of everyone who wasn't there.
So until next time, Happy new year!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Yes, yes I know I'm very late, and haven't posted in an eon. I thought this would be easier but it never is hehe. Well a lot has happened during this absence from the blog. We celebrated our wedding anniversary, Sarai had her birthday, we went for vacation to see her parents,.....and we're having a baby girl.
Yep! my prayers have been answered, we're not still a hundred percent on the name so we won't announce it yet, I think we'll wait till Sarai's last trimester before announcing it. Well here are some pictures, you know they a picture is worth a thousand words, and well I prefer pictures than typing more and more, so here they are.
PS We tried posting pictures but the blogger won't let us, so we'll try later.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Quartet

Well its official, our little family is going to increase. We will be having another little Olinger, well here in Mexico it would be an Olinger Lavana, ha. We went to the gynecologist and the lil one is about 9-10 weeks old, a lil over 2 centimeters long. So please keep Sarai in your prayers, thankfully her morning sickness hasnt been so bad this time, though her back has been giving her some problems, but she's doing well and is excited and happy about the new one.
Yes I know some are going to call me or us crazy but oh well c'est la vie.

here's me hoping its a wee lass...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Well this post is for my mom, who had her birthday on August 7th, and for Sarai's sister who's birthday will be on the 13th. We tried to take some good pics with Derek wishing the birthday girls a happy birthday. But the lil one wasnt always so cooperative. Some of the pictures arent so picture perfect but I loved his expressions.

For his Aunt Yosha

For his Grandma

Sunday, July 13, 2008

1 year old!

Well on Friday, the little munchkin turned 1 year old. We had a party for him in evening, many thanks to Sarai's dad who helped us get his cake and some other presents. Thankfully he did very good for his first birthday as many kiddos get very whiny and upset on their birthday with all the activity and excitement. As ever the lil one showed off his photogenic side, and well I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

One step for humanity......

Yep, its begun, the little munchkin has started his steps out of babyhood and into toddler life. Oh boy its going to get busy, haha. We got some pictures of him but most of them didn't turn out so well so I only have a couple of pics. We also went to a local water park, and the lil one got his first taste of aquatic fun.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Yes, yes I know I am a delinquent blogger and haven't posted anything in nearly in a month for which I apologize. I shall try to do better.
Well last week we had a momentous occasion, I and Sarai got married......legally. We had the ceremony about a year ago. The reason for the delay was because we live in Mexico and I am a foreigner I need permission from the government to get legally married. Basically what that entails is paying a hefty to the government and then getting a slip of paper, sounds straight forward enough? Not quite, one of the things I had to do was get an apostile on my birth certificate, basically its a verification to show that the document is authentic. Anyways long story short..after a few boo-boos by the State Dept. and some hassle by someone who couldn't understand that even though I was born in Chile I got an American birth certificate because my parents were American, the happy event took place and alls well that ends well...hehe. So we'll be including a few pics of the event as well some pics of the munchkin's 11th month day.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Well here is a picture of our next neighbors, the reason its going on here is they began building this house just before Derek was born. They finished it a couple weeks ago.

A picture of the chub on his Ten month day as well as some recent ones

Don't ask me what was happening in this picture, his facial expressions change as often as the wind true to his Cancerian nature. The lil bruise on his forehead in case any one is wondering is from his explorations and slipping while crawling, which doesn't happen too often these days thank god.