Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Late Merry Christmas

Yes I know its late but we were experiencing technical difficulties with our internet so this post was delayed. The first batch of pics were for a card we were trying to make for Derek's maternal grandfather, well I'll let the pics explain:

Take one

Returning to some semblance of normality

And finally a decent one...

This one was one of my favorite, the rest of the pics now were from Christmas day;

Derek playing coy next to the presents, no they're not all his, he wishes...ha

And now we see his photogenicitiy,

With his favorite "uncle Yim"

My present from Sarai... inspired by this..

Her favorite actor, very nice cologne, thank you baby!

And one of Derek's gifts, his other ones will be opened later as we will be celebrating another Christmas with the rest of everyone who wasn't there.
So until next time, Happy new year!