Saturday, August 22, 2009

No hair!

Well, at least we tried let's see what happens! Some people say that if you shave your hair off it comes out thicker and better and I guess Scarlett is being our guinea pig, poor honey!

Kathy (of Ben & Praise) holding little Scarlett

He just loves cars!

Clara took this pic of Derek watching a video, I'm guessing it was quite funny.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Pues como no sabemos exactamente donde estes y como por seguro estas muchas horas adelantada. Donde sea que estes (Autralia, Nueva Zelanda, India, etc.) Te deseamos un feliz cumpleanos. Mis papas me dijeron que tambien te felicitara de su parte.
Esperamos ansiosos tu visita y esperamos tengas un dia muy lindo.
Te amamos y extranamos muchisimo!
No olvides llamarnos un dia de estos!

Intentamos tomar una foto donde los dos salieran bien.

Pero Derek queria sostener el letrero y arruinarlo y eso le causo gracia a Scalett. Pues bueno al menos hicimos el intento!

Ja, no pude encontrar una foto mas reciente, pero bueno el detalle es lo que cuenta!

Monday, August 3, 2009


This year due to so many things happening in the home, we had a 3 day break only. We spent two days in Rosarito and one day at home, since someone took Derek for the day and Scarlett for a few hours TYJ!
We also attended a special dinner in Ensenada and were able to see all the sweet people of the area, we had a good time there!
Here are some pics.